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The 48HFP 2023

During the beginning of Fall 2023. City Producer Frances Rose Paduanan and co-producer Brylle Joseph Gaviola. Helped gathered filmmakers and other talented artists to showcase their talents in short films that were created in 48 Hours.

Behind The Scenes

BeIow is all the content we had for behind the scenes for all the events that we held for the 48HFP in 2023!

If you are looking for more photos please go to Frances Rose Padunan's website:               


All Photos and Videos were provided by the hard working and talented team of JTC_LLP and Sean Amparo

please follow their pages:



Sean Amparo:

1st  Mixer at Millennium Fandom Bar

2nd Mixer at Rebar

3rd Mixer at Indie Film Factory

Premiere at The Beverly Theater